Food Pantry Locations

Welcome to the Food Pantry Locations page of Feed the Need Scranton. Here, you can find information about the various locations where our food pantries are located in Lackawanna and Luzerne Counties. Our goal is to provide easy access to those in need of food assistance within our community. 



Lackawanna County

Location Address Contact Hours
Jackson Terrace 148 Meridian Avenue, Scranton 570-348-4429 Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Valley View Terrace, Bldg 9 950 Pear Street, Scranton 570-348-3119 Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
The Catherine McAuley Center 430 Pittston Ave, Scranton None Provided Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
St. Luke's Episcopal Church 232 Wyoming Ave, Scranton None Provided 3rd Tuesday of each month 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Hilltop Manor Community Room 136 Belvedere Drive, Scranton None Provided 2nd & 4thThursday of each month 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Holy Rosary Center 311 W. Market St, Scranton None Provided 3rd Thursday of each month 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
St James/St George Episcopal Church 398 Washington Ave, Jermyn None Provided 4th Wednesday of each month 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Divine Mercy Parish 312 Davis St, Scranton None Provided 1st Thursday of each month 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Recovery Bank 120 Wyoming Ave, 2nd fl, Scranton None Provided Thursday 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 1101 Willow St, Peckville None Provided 2nd Wednesday of each month 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Bread Basket - Elm Park 712 Linden St Scranton 18510 None Provided Wed 10am To 12pm
Catholic Social Services: Scranton 638 Hemlock St Scranton 18505 None Provided Tues 12-4
Green Ridge Assembly of God Pantry 825 Green ridge St. Scranton 18509 None Provided Wed 3-4:30p & Sunday 12-1p
Shepherds of the Poor 932 Robinson St. Scranton 18504 None Provided 12 PM-1 PM
St. Paul's/St. Clare's Food Pantry 2301 N. Washington Ave Scranton 18509 None Provided Fridays, School year, 3 - 4:30; Summer noon-1:30
Bread Basket - Our Fathers House 1820 Church Ave. Scranton 18508 None Provided Wed 10-12
Bread Basket - Valhalla 2754 Jackson St. Scranton 18504 None Provided Fridays 11-1
Fraternite Notre Dame 420 River St. Scranton, 18505 None Provided Wednesdays 11am-2pm
Friends of the Poor - Recovery Bank 120 Wyoming Ave 2nd floor Scranton 18503 None Provided Thursday 12:00pm -4:00pm
UCO at Peckville Assembly of God 3364 Scranton Carbondale Hwy Blakely 18447 None Provided Fri 9am-11pm
Friends of the Poor - The McAuley Center 430 Pittston Ave, Scranton PA None Provided Tuesday & Thursday, Fri 930am- 430 pm
Bread Basket: Embury United Methodist 942 S Main Ave Scranton 18504 None Provided 3rd Saturday 1-3pm
Community Health Hub/Wright Center Mobile Food Pantry 501 S Washington St. Scranton 18510 None Provided 3rd Thurs 10am-2pm
Better Tomorrows 100 Townhouse Blvd. Scranton 18505 None Provided 3rd Fri 930am-1230pm
St Ann's Food Pantry 1239 St. Ann's St. Scranton 18504 None Provided 2nd & 4th Wed. 7pm-8:30pm
Kinship Kitchen @ Court Street UMC 816 Court St. Scranton 18508 None Provided 3rd Thurs 4:30-6:30pm
Friends of the Poor – Hilltop Manor 136 Belvedere Dr In Hallway in front of the gym Scranton 18505 None Provided 3rd Thursday, 11am – 12:30pm
Friends of the Poor - St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 232 Wyoming Ave Scranton 18503 None Provided 3rd Tuesday, 1pm – 2:30pm
Friends of the Poor - Holy Rosary Center 311 W. Market Street Scranton 18505 None Provided 3rd Thursday each month 2:00pm – 3:00pm
Friends of the Poor - Saint James/Saint George Episcopal Church 398 Washington Ave. Jermyn 18433 None Provided 4th Wednesday each month 1:00 – 2:00pm
Friends of the Poor - Marywood University Pacer Pantry* 2300 Adams Ave. Scranton 18505 None Provided *For Students, Staff, and faculty only; Contact Karen Rossmell @
Friends of the Poor – Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 1101 Willow Street Peckville 18434 None Provided 2nd Wednesday of the Month 1 – 2pm
Friends of the Poor - Divine Mercy Parish 312 Davis Street, Scranton PA 18505 None Provided 1st Thursday each month 2:00pm 3:30pm
Mainstream Revival Center 43 N. Church St Carbondale 18407 None Provided 1st & 2nd Thurs 11-1, Meals: Last 2 Wednesday @ 12
Catholic Social Services: Carbondale 34 River St. Carbondale 18407 None Provided Mon-Fri 9am - 12; 1-3:30pm
Northern Lackawanna Mobile Pantry 16032 SR 407 Benton Twp Community Center Fleetville 18420 None Provided 3rd Sat 4-6pm
North Pocono Food Pantry North Pocono Food Pantry None Provided 1st Wed 5-7; Every Thurs 11:30-1:00
Moosic UMC Pantry 609 Main St. Moosic 18507 None Provided Sat 9-Noon
Moosic Youth Center Community Cupboard Mobile Pantry 606 Main St. Moosic 18507 None Provided Thurs 1:30-3:30pm
Taylor Community Library 710 S. Main St. Taylor 18517 None Provided 1st Wednesday of the Month
Bread Basket - Archbald 411 Church St Archbald 18403 None Provided Tues 10am - 12pm
Bread Basket - Jessup 316 First Ave Jessup 18434 None Provided Wed 3-5pm
Rescue & Restore Church Mobile Pantry 122 Willow Ave. Olyphant 18447 None Provided 1st Mon 12-3pm
Valley Village of Volunteers Valley Village of Volunteers None Provided Every other Sat. 11am-12pm

Luzerne County

Location Address Contact Hours
Ashley Food Bank at St. Leo’s Holy Rosary 33 Manhattan Street Ashley, PA 570-825-6669 2nd Thursday of the month from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and serves those residing in the 18706 zip code.
Back Mountain Food Pantry 40 Knob Hill, Trucksville, PA 18708 570-696-2917 For residents of Dallas Area School District and Lake Lehman Area School District. Office hours are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to Noon. Pick up times are on Fridays at 10 a.m. and Noon.
Good Shepard Lutheran Church (Wilkes-Barre) 190 S Main Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703 570-824-2991 Citizens must call to inquire and register. Pantry hours are Monday and Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Greater Pittston Food Pantry (Pittston) 37 William St, Courtdale, PA 18704 570-654-9923 Please call to leave a message with your name and phone number which someone can call you back regarding more information, application process, and pickup times / location.
Jewish Community Center (Wilkes-Barre) 60 S River Street Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702 570-823-5137 Food bank open Thursday from 9 a.m. to 11a.m., call for more information.
Plains United Methodist Church - Hilltop Clothes Closet and Food Bank 133 N Main St, Plains, PA 18705 570-822-2730 Please call during office hours of Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to inquire about services.
St. Joseph’s Food Bank (Hazleton) 214 W Walnut Street Hazleton, PA 18201 570-455-1521 Open Monday, Tuesday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., and closed Wednesday. Proof of residency, household members, and income is required. Walk-ins are welcome.
St. Peter and Paul’s Food Pantry (Plains) 13 Hudson Rd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18705 570-825-6663 This resource serves the Plains Township area and nearby points such as Parsons-Inkerman and Laflin. Call to inquire and register. Distribution is on the 3rd Friday of every month for those registered. Emergencies by special arrangements. Pantry hours are Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to Noon, by appointment only.
CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES 214 Walnut St. Hazleton 18201 None Provided Monday & Friday 10-3PM, Thursday 2-6PM
FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD - OPERATION BLESSING 34 Fox Manor Rd. West Hazleton 18202 None Provided Wednesday & Thursday 9:00 to 4:00
BRUENINGSEN MEMORIAL MOBILE FOOD PANTRY 300 Fern Street, St. Michael's Rec Center Freeland 18224 None Provided 4th Tuesdays of the month 3:30-5PM
CHRISTIAN MISSION BREATH OF LIFE 335 Washington St. Freeland 18224 None Provided Every other Saturday 10AM-1PM
CEO: HAZLETON 100 Broad St. Suite 11 Hazleton 18201 None Provided Thursdays 1:30 to 4pm
UNITED CHARITIES 107 Madison Ave HAZLETON 18202 None Provided Monday Thru Friday 8AM-4PM
SALVATION ARMY - HAZLETON 356 W. Broad St. Hazleton 18702 None Provided 3rd Thursdays of the Month 1-2PM
BLACK CREEK TWP FOOD PANTRY 158 Golf Course Rd. Sugarloaf 18549 None Provided 2nd Wednesday of the month 10:30AM-2PM
WHITE HAVEN FOOD PANTRY 827 Oley Valley Rd WHITE HAVEN 18661 None Provided first 4 Fridays of each month.
GLEN LYON MOBILE PANTRY 351 Kirmar Avenue Wanamie Pa 18634 570-592-7876 2nd Saturday of the month 11-12pm Do not arrive before 11am! Pre-registration required. Accepting applications from Newport Township Residents only
EASTSIDE APARTMENTS MOBILE PANTRY 346 E Washington St Nanticoke Nanticoke 18634 None Provided 2nd Thurs of the month 9am – 10:30a
NANTICOKE AREA FOOD PANTRY 518 HANOVER ST Nanticoke 18634 None Provided First 4 Wednesdays 9-11AM
NEBO BAPTIST CHURCH OF NANTICOKE MOBILE PANTRY 75 South Prospect Street Nanticoke 18634 None Provided First Wednesday of the Month 3-6PM
Faith Church Nanticoke Faith Cares Food Ministry 220 Middle Road, Nanticoke Pa 18634 570-733-3030 Walk-In Distribution: 4th Friday of the month 4-7pm Pre-registration required on our Facebook page or by calling/texting
CALVARY BIBLE CHAPEL MOBILE PANTRY 362 Hunlock-Harveyville Rd. Hunlock Creek 18621 None Provided 3rd Thursday of the month 6-7PM
NESCOPECK AREA COMMUNITY CUPBOARD 650 Harter Ave Nescopeck 18635 None Provided 2nd Tuesday of the month 11AM-2:30PM
CHRISTIAN SERVICE CENTER 66 Willow St. Plymouth None Provided Only Serving 18651 Last Thursday of the month 10-12pm
SHICKSHINNY FOOD PANTRY 5439 Main Road Sweet Valley 18656 None Provided 1st Friday of the month 10-NOON
CASA DE DIOS MAHANAIM 181 Franklin Street Plymouth 18651 None Provided Last Friday of the Month 10:30 until supplies last Serving 18651 +Plymouth & Larksville For more Info or to register email Shecid Canizares @
Wyoming United Presbyterian Church (Wyoming not Wilkes-Barre) 40 Institute St Wyoming 18644 570-609-5410 3rd Thursday of the Month 5-7PM Pre-registration REQUIRED by calling 570-609-5410 or e-mail:
CLUBHOUSE ECONO-RHINOVATIONS MOBILE PANTRY 532 Main St. Avoca 18641 None Provided 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month 3- 5pm
AVOCA FOOD PANTRY 532 Main St. Avoca 18641 None Provided 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month 3- 5pm
DUPONT FOOD PANTRY Holy Mother of Sorrows Dupont 18641 None Provided Last Thursday of the month 1-12pm. If it falls on a holiday, it will be the Thursday before.
GERMANIA DURYEA 430 Foote Ave Germania Hose Co. Duryea 18642 None Provided 2nd Monday of the month 2-3PM
GREATER PITTSTON FOOD PANTRY @ ST JOHNS 35 William St. (Rear – Door – Msgr Bendik Way) Pittston 18640 570-654-9923 DRIVE UP PANTRY First 2 Wednesday’s of each Month: By Appointment Closed June – August
Second Presbyterian Church 143 Parsonage St. Pittston, PA 18643 570-328-3261 Held 2nd Saturday of every month from 10am 12:00pm for those in 18640 zip code only Contact - 570-328-3261 and please leave message.
Memorial Elementary 80 W Saint Marys Rd Hanover Twp 18706 None Provided Tuesday-Thursday 9-1
APOSTOLIC LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH 278 Colley St Hanover 18706 None Provided Mondays & Tuesdays 6-8 PM Serving 18706 + Plymouth & Larksville
JCC - SARA'S TABLE 613 S.J. Strauss Lane Kingston 18704 None Provided Fridays 9:30-11AM
PAK Pediatrics 451 Third Ave Kingston 18704 None Provided 3rd Thursday of the Month 10a – 2pm
Forty Fort United Methodist Church Forty Fort United Methodist Church None Provided 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10-12
BACK MTN HARVEST ASSEMBLY - CARE SHARE FOOD PANTRY 340 Carverton Rd. Trucksville 18708 None Provided 1st & 3rd Saturday 10-12pm
EBENEZER ASSEMBLY OF GOD 269 E Thomas St. Plains 18702 None Provided Friday 10-12NOON
WYOMING VALLEY SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 14 MARTIN ST Plains 18705 None Provided 1st Thursday of the month 12 -1:30
VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA WILKES-BARRE 25 N. River St. Wilkes-Barre 18702 None Provided Monday Thru Friday 12:00-3:00PM
FOUNTAIN OF SALVATION CHURCH OF LUZERNE 75 Loomis Street Wilkes-Barre 18702 None Provided Fridays 1-4PM
CEO/ GOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH F.P. 190 S. Main St. Wilkes-Barre 18702 None Provided Monday & Wednesday 1-4PM, Friday 9AM-12 Families can pick up only once a week. Only serving 18701, 18702, 18703, 18704, 18705
NEW ROOTS 121 Water St. Wilkes-Barre 18702 None Provided 3rd Thurday of the Month 9AM-7PM
RESTORED CHURCH 74 S Meade Street Wilkes Barre 18702 None Provided 74 S Meade Street Wilkes Barre 18702
WYOMING VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2 Lockhart St Wilkes Barre 18702 None Provided Wednesdays 4-6 PM
SALVATION ARMY WILKES-BARRE 17 S. Pennsylvania Ave. Wilkes-Barre 18702 570-824-8741 Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9AM-12
ST. NICHOLAS FOOD PANTRY 226 S. Washington St. Wilkes-Barre 18702 None Provided Wednesday 10AM - 12
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL PANTRY & SOUP KITCHEN 39 E. Jackson St. Wilkes-Barre 18702 None Provided Tuesday & Thursday 9AM-11AM, Tuesday 5PM-6PM
MOUNTAIN TOP FOOD PANTRY 316 S. Mountain Blvd. Mountain Top 18707 None Provided Friday 9AM-12
IGLESIA CRISTIANA CAMINO AL CIELO 384 New Grant St. Wilkes Barre, PA 18702 None Provided 1st Saturday 12:00 – 2:00
St. Stephen’s Pantry & Clothes Closet 35 S. Franklin Street Wilkes-Barre 18701 None Provided Monday & Wednesday 1:00 – 3:00pm
Painting Smiles Corp. 102 S. Main St. (Rear) Livingstone Alley Wilkes-Barre 18702 None Provided Tuesday 1 to 4
United Blend Pa Community Center 215 S Main St. Wilkes-Barre 18701 929-340-9534 2nd Friday of every month from 12- 2:00 Registration REQUIRED, text – 929-340-9534 or E-mail: for more information.

Contact Us for More Information

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our food pantry locations and services, please feel free to reach out to us. We are here to help and support our community members in need.